Wednesday, October 17, 2018


Sharing the Goal
At last the wall was completed to half its height around the entire city, for the people had worked with enthusiasm.Nehemiah 4:6
As a couple, what is your shared goal? Perhaps it’s a smoothly running home, a harmonious relationship, and a sense of fairness. Recently, a woman was in my office complaining that her husband didn’t help her with household responsibilities. “We both work full-time,” she said. “But he expects me to do everything around the house while he watches TV and unwinds. Well, maybe I need to unwind too.” Clearly, this couple had not defined their shared goal.
The players on an athletic team do not all perform the same tasks, but they do have the same goal. That was also true when Nehemiah led the Israelites to rebuild the wall around Jerusalem. Some of them rebuilt gates, some carried materials, and others stood guard, watching for those who wanted to sabotage the work. The individuals had separate tasks, but they were united in their ultimate goal: making the city of Jerusalem safe again.
If we want harmony and intimacy in our relationship, then we must each do our part of the work. A spouse who feels put upon is not likely to be interested in intimacy. Why not ask your spouse, “Do you feel that we make a good team around the house?” Let the answer guide your actions.

Father God, thank you for the great example of teamwork from the book of Nehemiah. I want to keep our end goal in mind as my spouse and I negotiate the tasks in our home. Help me to do my part willingly and lovingly.

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