Wednesday, October 10, 2018


My heart rejoices in the LORD! The LORD has made me strong.” 
1 SAMUEL 2:1
Is the Song of Hannah Your Song? 1 Sam 2:1-11
The sincere praise of Hannah’s song is stunning, considering what had just happened in her life. Once barren and living with unspeakable sadness, Hannah was overjoyed to receive the gift of a child. But with that blessing came the prospect of future loss if she were to stay faithful to her pledge. As promised, she fulfilled her vow to God by turning her beloved firstborn son over to Eli the priest. Samuel would become the Lord’s servant in the Tabernacle at Shiloh.
Life can be like that, can’t it? Sometimes blessings come with obligations of great cost. When the time comes to pay that cost, can you sing a song like Hannah? Her heart rejoiced in God—even in the midst of a profoundly difficult act of faith. Why? Because Hannah trusted in God’s holiness; God is the Rock, the Almighty, who lifts up those who stumble and feeds those who are hungry.
When life is hard and dreams are crushed when we seem to only stumble around and hunger for good things, we must remember that God is good to those who trust in him—especially those who are weak. We can follow Hannah’s example and bow before the sovereign God who makes no mistakes. Life’s difficult situations are not a whim of bad luck or ill fate. God’s hand is a constant support through hard seasons. Hannah reminds us that God makes those who are poor rich in other ways, and he lifts up the lowly in ways we might never expect.
No matter what situation you face today, God sees, knows, and cares. He lifts and honours the lowly. Maybe not in the manner we expect, but in his absolute sovereignty “he has set the world in order” (2:8). So at the end of each day, we can say with Hannah, “My heart rejoices in the LORD!”

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