Friday, October 5, 2018


God Doesn’t Waste Anything

“I know the plans I have for you,” says the Lord. “They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.”
Jeremiah 29:11
Sometimes it’s the little things that make your day. Last summer, the city started dropping off blue and gold recycling carts in my neighbourhood. I was delighted to have a shiny new cart of my own with wheels and enough space to handle all the recyclables that wouldn’t fit into the old bins. No more lugging dirty bins to the street, hoping nothing would spill out along the way. With the advent of my new cart, I became downright passionate about stuffing every bit of unwanted paper, metal, and glass into the cart. I wanted nothing to go to waste.
My approach to recycling reminds me of the habits I have formed as a writer. I have found that inspiration comes in many guises—some painful, some beautiful, some surprising. I try to remember things that strike me, that make me smile or weep or wonder. Even the most mundane experience can be grist for my writer’s mill, so I do my best to pay attention and take note of every possibility.
I think God shares this passion for not wasting anything. He knows that even the most painful, bewildering circumstances can produce a life of beauty and grace if we allow them to be moulded by his creative hands. Like the writer, what matters to him is not so much the circumstance itself but what he intends to do with it.
What kind of life are you living right now? Are you married or single? Are you old or young? Are you living in a big house or one that’s cramped and small? Perhaps you’ve reached rock bottom. You may be sitting in prison or struggling with a serious illness. Wherever you are, whatever your circumstances, remember that you belong to a God who lets nothing go to waste. Trust him to make something beautiful of your life, no matter how painful and confusing your circumstances may be.
Father, help me to realize that you are writing a good story for my life. When I am afraid or discouraged, remind me of your steadfast love and your creative power.

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