Saturday, October 6, 2018


READING: Genesis 2:18 – 25
VERSE: “It is not good for the man to be alone.” —Genesis 2:18
ADDITIONAL SCRIPTURE READINGS: 1 Samuel 20:1 – 42Colossians 2:2
IGenesis 2:18, God said, “It is not good for the man to be alone.” Ask any mom and she’ll confirm that it isn’t good for moms either!
More than any other time in history, moms today are alone — single moms, working moms, stay-at-home moms, moms with kids who have special needs, military moms. Even moms in marriages can experience a surprising “aloneness” — some with a husband who doesn’t share their faith and some with a husband who does but buries himself in work or other interests. Families are scattered, separated by great distances. Schedules are stretched so that there seems to be no time for friends. Past wounds hold us back from the risk of a relationship. In some seasons of mothering, we find time to connect with others only to have those connections swept away as our children change activities, interests and schedules.
One of the ways God provides for our need for companionship is through the church — his people together on this planet. Whether it meets in a steepled building on a suburban corner or in a shopping mall, God designed the church to be a safe place for us to gather and grow.
If it wasn’t good for Adam to be alone, it isn’t good for us either.
Maybe the idea of church is new to you and you aren’t really sure how to start. Did you attend a church as a child? What was your experience? Maybe you are already very active in your local church but would like to go deeper. Whatever the case, consider taking the next step. Join a Bible study. Find a mothers’ group. Enlist a prayer partner. Get involved in a service project that reaches out to other mothers. Take your kids along to help.

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