Saturday, March 9, 2019

Saint Marie-Eugénie de Jésus pray for us

Raised in an educated and intellectual family with no faith, but who apparently went through some of the motions since she received her first Communion on Christmas 1829 at age twelve. She had a conversion experience, came to the faith, and felt a call to religious life by hearing the Lenten sermons of the Dominican Henri Lacordaire at the Cathedral of Notre Dame in Paris, France. She made a short novitiate with the Sisters of the Visitation at Cote Saint-Andre, but did not take vows.
During a pilgrimage to the shrine of Sainte-Anne d’Auray in 1825, Eugenie felt called to found a teaching institute that would work in the world, but kept monastic observances. In 1839 she founded the group later named the Congregation of the Assumption (Religious of the Assumption, Sisters of the Assumption) to perform this mission. The Assumptionists received papal approval in 1888, and continue their good work in 34 countries around the world today. 
Lord, Jesus Christ, you gave Marie Eugenie the grace of belonging entirely to you. You filled her with an ardent desire to know You and make You known, to love You and make You loved. May the Church, which she so greatly loved and served, recognize her way to holiness and proclaim her a saint among the Saints in Heaven. Grant us all grace to live as she did in holiness and love, faithful to our particular vocation for Your glory and the salvation of the world. Amen. -prayer for the canonization of Mother Marie Eugenie
Father of all Goodness, You revealed to Marie Eugenie the mystery of Your Holiness. In her rediscovered faith, You made her understand that all honor and glory are given You by a humanity restored in Jesus Christ. Send us the fullness of Your Holy Spirit! May He make us adorers in Spirit and in Truth! And may peoples of all tongues, races and nations become but one, to the praise of Your Glory, forever and ever. Amen. – prayer in honor of Saint Marie Eugenie

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