Thursday, October 25, 2018


                     Saint Alfred the Great

Youngest of five sons of King Ethelwulf of Wessex. Ideal Christian king of Wessex, he came to the throne during a Danish invasion. Alfred defeated the Danes and preserved the growth of the Church in England. Patron of learning, he established a court school, invited British and foreign scholars to work there. Personally translated several religious works into Anglo-Saxon. His laws made no distinction between British and Welshsubjects, a first.
Name Meaning
  • elf counsel
  • all peace
  • supernaturally wise counselor
  • “The Consolation of Philosophy” of Boethius (translation)
  • “The History of the World” of Orosius (translation)
  • “Ecclesiastical History” of Bede (translation)
  • “Pastoral Rule” of Saint Gregory the Great (translation)
  • “Dialogues” of Saint Gregory the Great (translation)
We pray to you, O Lord, who are the surpeme Truth, and all truth is from you. We beseech you, O Lord, who are the highest Wisdom, and all the wise depend on you for their wisdom. You are the supreme Joy, and all who are happy owe it to you. You are the Light of minds, and all receive their understanding from you. We love, we love you above all. We seek you, we follow you, and we are ready to serve you. We desire to dwell under your power for you are the King of all. Amen. – Saint Alfred the Great

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