Friday, January 25, 2019

The Battle Is the Lord’s

The Battle Is the Lord’s Neh 6:1-16
In some Christian circles people teach that if God is involved in a believer’s life, they will naturally experience peace and prosperity in all areas—including their health, finances, and relationships. But throughout Scripture, we see that God’s people suffer in this fallen world due to sin, hardships, and the actions of other people—even when God’s people are in the centre of God’s will. If you have struggled with the “why me?” question amid life’s difficulties, find encouragement from Nehemiah—the battle is the Lord’s.
Nehemiah had prayed, sought God’s will, and faithfully led the people into a renewal of their faith in and obedience to God. Yet, opposition faced him on every front. He suffered from criticism, mocking, conspiracy, and threats of physical attack. At one point the work stopped due to the strong opposition. The people were overwhelmed by the burden of rebuilding the walls and were listening to the voices of discouragement (4:10-11).
Have you ever been there? Walking in faith is difficult. Perhaps you have been hurt, felt abandoned, or have been sinned against. Maybe you find yourself in a life circumstance you never imagined, and cracks in your armour of faith are beginning to appear. Nehemiah should give us hope. Though his faith was tested and his followers fell into doubt, Nehemiah was able to rise above the voices of scepticism, fear, and despair by focusing on the size of his God rather than the size of the problem (4:20; 6:9, 15-16).

No matter your circumstances today, you also can know that God is on your side (Rom 8:31). He loves and cares for you and is fighting on your behalf. Place your confidence in him—and then, when he rebuilds the “walls” of your life, give him all the glory.

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