Monday, January 28, 2019


Differences can be delightful. An old adage says, “Some people read history; others make it.” Usually, these two types of people are married to each other. Now I ask you, isn’t that the way God designed it?

Our differences are meant to be complementary. How tragic it would be if your spouse were just like you. God tends to place an aggressive person with a more passive person, a neatnik with a slob, an organized person with a spontaneous person. Why? Because we need each other. It’s sad when we allow our differences to become divisive. Why do we do this? Because we are egocentric. Life revolves around me, we think. My way is the best way. Be like me, and we’ll be happy!

But is that really what we want? I don’t think so. In 1 Corinthians 12, the apostle Paul compares the church to a body. It has many parts, and every part is needed. Paul takes this illustration almost to absurdity, asking his readers to imagine how the body would function if it were just one great big ear. It wouldn’t! How limited life would be.

The same holds true in marriage. We are different, and we need each other. Your aggressiveness pushes me to attempt things I would never try on my own. My passiveness keeps you from jumping off the cliff. The Bible is right: Two are better than one.

Father, thank you for the differences between me and my spouse. Please show me how to look at them positively rather than negatively. Help us to work effectively together as a team.

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