Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Pope Blessed Gregory X

Pope Blessed Gregory X

Also known as
  • Teobaldo Visconti
  • Theobald Visconti
Worked for Cardinal Jacopo of Palestrina. Archdeacon of Liege, Belgium. Assigned to preach the last Crusade. Accompanied the Crusaders to Palestine, and was still there when elected Pope; he was elected before being ordained a priest. Ordained on 19 March 1272. 184th pope.
Worked to restore peace between Christian nations and rulers, for the recovery of the Holy Lands from Muslims, and to reform the spiritual lives of clergy and laity. Called the Council of Lyons which briefly reconciled the Orthodox and Latin Churches. Tried to restore peace between the Guelphs and Ghibellines in Tuscany and Lombardy, and excommunicated those who worked against the reconciliation. Crowned Rudolf of Habsburg as Holy Roman Emperor and settled the fight over the crown among German princes.
Papal Ascension

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