Saturday, January 26, 2019


God wants us to know him and he has chosen to reveal himself through the Bible, through creation, through his intervention in history, and through his work in the lives of people. As this psalm says, everything God does “reveals his glory and majesty.” Yet sometimes our spiritual eyes are dim, and we can’t see his hand, or we forget the wonders the Lord has performed. When that happens, we neglect to thank the Lord with all our hearts.

What a blessing to have his Word to draw us back again and again to the truth that his deeds are amazing and “his righteousness never fails.” As you approach God in prayer today, ask him to help you to see him more clearly, to remember and to ponder his marvellous works of redemption in your life and in the world around you. If your memory of his deeds is dim, take a passage from the Bible and imagine yourself among the Israelites who crossed over the Red Sea or were healed by Jesus. Then with your whole heart thank him for the wonders he has done.

LORD, your deeds are amazing, and everything you do reveals your glory and majesty. Open my eyes to see you in your works so I can thank you with all my heart! Let me never forget the wonders you perform! Help me to take fresh delight in you as I ponder them.

If we miss seeing God in his works, we deprive ourselves of the sight of a royal display of wisdom and power so elevating, so awe-inspiring as to make all attempts of description futile.A. W. Tozer (1897–1963)

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