Friday, September 28, 2018

The Love of God and the Lure of Idols

“Don’t let your heart be deceived so that you turn away from the LORD and serve and worship other gods.” DEUTERONOMY 11:16
The Love of God and the Lure of Idols Deut 11:13-17
Over and over (four times in just a few chapters) God says, “Love me!” He also repeatedly says, “Do not serve other gods.” Just like the Israelites, we live in a day when our hearts can be deceived so that we turn away from God and serve other gods (11:16). These may not be gods of stone or wood as in biblical times, but our gods of pleasure, comfort, wealth, or even technologies that we depend on can be very deceptive.
In the New Testament, Jesus did not condemn money. But he did say that we cannot serve both God and money as alternative gods. When we put our trust in money, we make it a god. This is also true with many other things in our lives that are seemingly “neutral” in and of themselves. If we place more trust in them than in God, they become idols, and we are deceived. Technologies fail, things break, people disappoint, and pleasures eventually no longer satisfy.
Only the Lord God can truly satisfy and save us finally and forever. This warning to Israel against worshipping other gods applies to us today. No matter what our circumstances, no matter what suffering we face or what disappointment crashes into our lives, only God is worthy of our devotion and worship. God’s simple blessings (for example, the rain and harvest in Deuteronomy 11) are indications of his constant love for us. But even in times of drought (physical or spiritual), God still holds us in his hands. As we look to him, and not to more temporal “gods,” we find ultimate satisfaction for our souls.
Long ago St. Augustine said, “Love God, and do as you please.” By this, he meant that our love for God must always be above all other loves. If we get this right (loving God), whatever we “please to do” will be good. Are you in danger of letting other loves deceive you and steal the love that should be for God alone? Ask him to once again take the throne of your heart!

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