Tuesday, September 25, 2018

BIOGRAPHY OF Saint Cosmas and Saint Damian

Saint Cosmas and Saint Damian

Also known as

• Cosma
• Damiano
• the Moneyless
• the Silverless


Twin brothers. Physicians, trained in Syria; the brothers accepted no payment for their services, and their charity brought many to Christ. Reported to have miraculously replaced the ulcered leg of a man named Justinian with one from a recently deceased man. Arrested during the persecutions of Diocletian, they were tortured but suffered no injury. Martyrs. Many fables grew up about the brothers, connected in part with the ability of their relics to heal.


3rd century, of Arabic descent


tortured and beheaded c.303 in Aegea, Cilicia (modern Ayas, Turkey)


• blind people; against blindness
• against or relief from pestilence
• apothecaries, druggists, pharmacists
• barbers, hairdressers
• doctors, physicians, surgeons
• chemical industry; chemical manufacturers
• against hernias
• midwives
• Alberobello, Italy
• Ossimo, Italy


• two doctors
• box of ointment
• phial
• medical emblems

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