Wednesday, September 5, 2018

God Understands

God Understands

The Lord is like a father to his children, tender and compassionate to those who fear him. For he knows how weak we are; he remembers we are only dust.
Psalm 103:13-14
I had a meeting recently with two people who were helping me get up to speed on social media. Both have extensive experience working with nontechies like me. During the course of our time together, they happened to mention a couple of phrases that caught my attention. For instance, when speaking with colleagues about a computer problem, they sometimes say, “There seems to be a problem between the keyboard and the chair.” Translation: nothing’s wrong with the computer; it’s the person operating the computer who’s causing all the difficulty. Or they’ll talk about a “defective end user.” Same translation.
As someone who’s not a quick study when it comes to computers and technology, I’ve always appreciated how patient and nonjudgmental computer techs can be when it comes to dealing with people like me. Though “defective end user” doesn’t exactly roll off the tongue, it does inject a note of humour and objectivity into their quest to help the less technologically gifted.
I like to think that God deals with us in a similar way. Seeing our struggles to live for him, he realizes that we are all “defective end users,” and he does not judge us harshly. He knows how difficult it can be for us to get it, to respond to his leading or to do his will perfectly. He understands that, at times, our ignorance can create unintended havoc.
In the midst of your struggles, give yourself a break. Remember that you belong to a “tender and compassionate” God who wants to help you. Instead of imagining that he’s disappointed in you or judging you, try to imagine him patiently extending his grace to help resolve whatever problem still exists “between the keyboard and the chair.”
Father, you know I want to live for you. Yet sometimes I fail. When that happens, help me to get up and keep going, confident that you are there to help.

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