Monday, September 24, 2018

BIOGRAPHY OF Blessed Anton Martin Slomsek

Blessed Anton Martin Slomsek

Also known as
  • Anton Martin Slomshek
Born to a peasant family in the Austro-Hungarian Empire. Seminarian at Klagenfurt, AustriaOrdained on 8 September 1824Parish priest for five years. Spiritual director of the Klagenfurt seminaryTaught the Slovenelanguage to seminarians; because the rulers of the empire spoke GermanSlovenian was in danger of disappearing. Prince-bishop of LavantAustria(modern Maribor, Slovenia) on 30 May 1846, a diocese with a Slovenemajority.
Bishop Slomsek began a campaign of patriotic education. He built new schools, encouraged Slovenianlanguage and culture, wrote textbooks, and edited others. He founded a weekly newspaper, and published his sermons and episcopal statements. Founded the Saint Hermagoras Society publishing house to publish popular works in Slovenian. Today the region is nearly 100% literate, much of it due to Bishop Anton’s good work.
  • Readings
When I was born, my mother laid me on a bed of straw, and I desire no better pallet when I die, asking only to be in the state of grace and worthy of salvation. – Blessed Anton
Teacher and educator, writer and poet, biographer and critic, lover of his mother tongue and fighter for national equality, patriot, speaker and preacherecumenical worker and theological teacher of the Slovenepeople, priest and bishop. Slomsek’s personality is like a mosaic, each stone has its own colour, its own function and size, but all together provide the image of a saint, that is a person who is open to the breath of the Holy Ghost, who prophetically understands the signs of the time and responds to them, who understands how to use all natural and supernatural means to realise the kingdom of God on earth. – Dr Franc Kramberger, Bishop of MariborSlovenia1999

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