Friday, September 14, 2018

Our Lady of Sorrows

Our Lady of Sorrows

Our Lady of Sorrows

Also known as
  • Beata Maria Virgo Perdolens
  • Beata Vergine Addolorata
  • Dolorosa
  • Maria Santissima Addolorata
  • Mater Dolorosa
  • Mother of Sorrows
  • Our Lady of the Seven Dolours
  • Our Lady of the Seven Sorrows
  • Sorrowful Mother
Names by which the Blessed Virgin Mary is referred to in relation to sorrows in her life
  • The Prophecy of Simeon over the Infant Jesus (Luke 2:34)
  • The Flight into Egypt of the Holy Family (Matthew 2:13)
  • The Loss of the Child Jesus for Three Days (Luke 2:43)
  • The Meeting of Jesus and Mary along the Way of the Cross (Luke 23:26)
  • The Crucifixion, where Mary stands at the foot of the cross (John 19:25)
  • The Descent from the Cross, where Mary receives the dead body of Jesus in her arms (Matthew 27:57)
  • The Burial of Jesus (John 19:40)

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