Tuesday, April 30, 2019

the depth of God's love

This prayer is not asking God for more head knowledge about his love but that we would understand and comprehend it—that it would really sink in and go from being head knowledge to heart knowledge about how very much he loves us. Most of all, it asks that we would experience for ourselves the love of Christ. Knowledge isn’t enough. Great speeches or sermons won’t suffice, neither will hearing what the Lord did in someone else’s life. It takes God’s Spirit imparting power to each of us to fathom the depth and length and width, the incomparable nature, of God’s amazing love for us in Christ Jesus. Just as Paul was praying earnestly for the Ephesian Christians, we are to ask that our roots would go down deep into the soil of God’s marvellous love. And as we continually pray this life-transforming prayer, we will drink deeply of God’s love. When we receive and experience the love of Christ in our own hearts, his love can flow through us to others.

LORD JESUS, I want to understand and experience your love in a deeper way than I ever have before. May your love be my anchor as your Spirit causes my roots to sink deeper in you. Grant me the power to understand the limitless extent of your love. Be the centre of my life and reveal yourself to me today!

'We must daily come and drink at the fountain of divine love. Herein lies the purpose of all prayer' Margaret Therkelsen

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