Wednesday, April 17, 2019


Changing your attitude can be a catalyst that sets in motion a seasonal change in your marriage. I must confess that I learned this truth the hard way. Earlier in my marriage, I spent a great deal of time in the winter season because of my negative attitudes. And when I was in the midst of winter, I found it hard to admit that my attitude was part of the problem. It was much easier to blame my wife, Karolyn’s, behaviour. Today I readily admit that my negative thinking was the culprit.
If your relationship is filled with frustration and strain, my guess is that you, too, have the tendency to blame your spouse and are failing to recognize your own negative attitudes. If you want to break free from the coldness and bitterness of a winter relationship, I challenge you to change your attitude. As long as you curse the darkness, it will get darker. But if you look for something good in your marriage, you’ll find it.
This famous verse from Philippians 4 reminds us to fix our thoughts on good things—things that are true, right, honourable, pure, lovely, and admirable. This kind of focus can change the way we see everything around us. Focusing on the positive creates a warmer climate. Express appreciation to your spouse for one positive action, and you’ll likely see another.

Father, I have so much to be thankful for. There are reasons to hope all around me if I will only look for them. Forgive me for my negativity and the effect it’s had on my outlook and my marriage. Help me to see the positive.

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