Wednesday, April 10, 2019

saint Fulbert of Chartres

Grew up around Rome, Italy, and known as a promising student. Studied the Benedictine abbey in Rheims, France. A favourite student of the future Pope Sylvester II, he was brought to Rome as an advisor to Sylvester. Upon the pope‘s death, Fulbert returned to France where he served as canon and chancellor of the diocese of Chartres, and ran the cathedral school there, which became known as a leading center of learning in France. Bishop of Chartres in 1007. Advisor to French clergy and secular leaders, including the king of France. Noted preacher and travelling bishop who went from parish to parish ensuring there was proper Christian education of his flock. Re-built the Chartres cathedral after it burned. Wrote a number of poems and hymns, many of them about the Virgin Mary, to whom he was greatly devoted. Fought simony, assigning ecclesiastical benefices to laymen, opposed bishops who acted as generals. Friend of Saint Odilo of Cluny

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