Monday, April 8, 2019

Saint Demetrius of Sermium pray for us

Born to a wealthy, noble family and raised Christian. Well-educated, he became a professional public speaker; his explanations of Christianity brought many converts. Soldier. Deacon. Duke of Thessaly under emperor Maximian in 190. When he was found to be a Christian he was arrested and imprisoned in a bath-house during the persecutions of Diocletian. Martyr. His story was extremely popular in the Middle Ages. Reported to have appeared during a battle in 586, centuries after his death, to help defend Thessalonika. Over 200 churches in the Balkans are known to have been dedicated to him.
The world has found in you a great champion in time of peril, as you emerged the victor in routing the barbarians. For as you brought to naught the boasts of Lyaios, imparting courage to Nestor in the stadium, in like manner, holy one, great Martyr Demetrios, invoke Christ God for us, that He may grant us His great mercy. – Apolytikion (Third Tone)
God, who gave you invincible power and with care kept your city invulnerable, royally clothed the Church in purple with the streams of your blood, for you are her strength, O Demetrios. – Kontakion (Second Tone)

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