Sunday, April 7, 2019

Blessed Augustus Cz.

Oldest child of Prince Ladislaus and Princess Maria Amparo, daughter of the Queen of Spain; the couple had settled in Paris, France after being losing all their property and being exiled in the 1830 revolution. Both Augustus and his mother contracted tuberculosis; she died when he was six years old, and he was sent to doctors in Switzerland, Italy, Spain and Egypt in a vain search for a cure. Though he was forced to attend court functions and amusements as the son of a prince, the boy had no interest in worldly life, and early felt a call to religious vocation. He studied in Paris and in Krakow, Poland, but school was often interrupted due to his poor health; one of his tutors was Saint Jozef Kalinowski.
The turning point in the young man’s life came in May 1883 when he met Saint John Bosco. Don Bosco celebrated Mass in the family chapel of Lambert Palace in Paris, and Augustus served as a 25 year old altar boy. After making all needed arrangements to turn his rights, privileges and inheritance as the first-born to his brothers, Augustus joined the Salesian Congregation in June 1887; Don Bosco was reluctant as he did not think Augustus’s health could withstand the life of a novice and seminarian, but Pope Leo XIII intervened and convinced him. Augustus studied in Turin, Italy, received his cassock on 24 November 1887, and in early 1888 made his Salesian vows at the grave of Don Bosco. After studying in Liguria, Italy, where he became close friends with Venerable Andrea Beltrami, he was ordained a priest at Sanremo, diocese of Ventimiglia, Italy on 2 April 1892 by Blessed Tommaso Reggio. He served as a parish priest in Alassio, Savona, in the diocese of Albenga, Italy for about a year before the tuberculosis did him in. 

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