Monday, November 5, 2018


          Saint Leonard of Noblac

Also known as
  • Leonard de Noblet
  • Leonard of Limoges
  • Leonard of Limousin
  • Leonardo of…
  • Leonhard of…
  • Lienard of…
  • Linhart of…
  • Léonard of…
  • Leonardo Nobiliacum
Born to the Frankish nobility. Part of the court of the pagan King Clovis I. The Queen suggested to Leonard, possibly as a joke, that he invoke the help of his God to repel an invading army. Leonard prayed, the tide of battle turned, and Clovis was victorious. Archbishop Saint Remigius of Rheims used this miracleto convert the King, Leonard, and a thousand of followers to Christianity.
Leonard began a life of austerity, sanctification, and preaching. His desire to know God grew until he decided to enter the monastery at Orleans, France. His brother, Saint Lifiard, followed his example and left the royal court, built a monastery at Meun, and lived there. Leonard desired further seclusion, and so withdrew into the forest of Limousin, converting many on the way, and living on herbs, wild fruits, and spring water. He built himself an oratory, leaving it only for journeys to churches. Others begged to live with him and learn from him, and so a monastery formed around his hermitage. Leonard had a great compassion for prisoners, obtaining release and converting many.
After his death, churches were dedicated to him in FranceEnglandBelgiumSpainItalySwitzerlandGermanyBohemiaPoland and other countries. Pilgrims flocked to his tomb, and in one small town in Bavaria there are records of 4,000 favors granted through Saint Leonard’s intercession.
  • c.559 of natural causes

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