Monday, November 26, 2018


                 Saint Laverius

statue of Saint Laverio, cathedral of Santa Maria Maggiore in Teggiano, Italy, date and artist unknown; swiped from Wikimedia CommonsAlso known as
  • Laberio
  • Laverio
  • Lavierio
  • Laviero
Son of Achille, Laverius was raised in a pagan family. Served as a soldier in the imperial Roman army. A convert to Christianity, he began preaching in the streets of TeggianoItaly. By order of the prefect Agrippa, Laverius was arrestedtortured, put on display for public abuse and ridicule, and ordered to make sacrifice to pagan gods; he refused. He was then thrown to wild animals in the amphitheatre, but instead of attacking him, they knelt in front of him. Laverius was thrown back into this cell, but an angel freed him during the night and ordered him to travel to Grumentum (modern Grumento NovaItaly). He arrived on 15 August 312 and began immediately to preach and to baptize converts. Agrippa sent soldiers after him. Laverius was capturedflogged, and when he would not stop preaching Christ even while being beaten, he was executedMartyr.
  • beheaded on 17 November 312 at the confluence of the Agri and Sciarra Rivers outside Grumentum (modern Grumento NovaItaly)
  • his soul was seen flying from the body into heaven
  • his body was abandoned by the soldiers where it fell, but a Roman matron came later and gave him a Christian burial
  • chapel devoted to him was built at the execution site
  • relics later dis-interred and dispersed to prevent their loss to invading barbarians
  • relics later further dispersed to prevent their loss from invading Saracens
  • some relics destroyed c.1427 in the sack of SatrianoItaly
  • an arm bone made it to TitoItaly by 1465
  • the last relic was stolen in Tito in December 1968

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