Saturday, December 8, 2018



• Who helps the president make decisions?
• When you need advice, do you ask just one person or several? Why?
For lack of guidance, a nation falls, but victory is won through many advisers.
Proverbs 11:14
The president of a country does not make decisions alone. He or she has a cabinet of experts. In the United States, we have the secretary of state, the secretary of education, the secretary of defence, the attorney general, and the list goes on. Why all the help? It just seems kind of silly—and maybe even dangerous—to leave such major decisions to a single, flawed human being.
And we are all flawed, even you. So when you need to make a major decision, Proverbs tells you that you would be wise to seek advice from many advisers. This doesn’t mean you should distribute a survey, but it does mean to consider asking several “experts” for advice. The nature of your decision will influence who you need to ask, but make sure that you ask people who share your commitment to Christ.
This type of advice helps governments to be successful. It helps organizations, businesses and schools to be successful. And it will help you to be successful too. 
Dear God, thank you for the wisdom of your Word. Please help us to be successful and to ask advice from the right people. Amen.

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