Friday, December 28, 2018



God himself referred to David as a man who walked “with integrity of heart” (1 Kings 9:4) … David’s psalms teach obedience to God. But how can the psalmist who sins be a model of integrity? David had integrity because he consistently held to the same standard … When he violated it, he called it sin … Does that excuse David’s sin? No! Does David’s story give today’s leader permission to sin? Absolutely not. But integrity doesn’t demand perfection, either. Even the most morally committed people blow it. Integrity doesn’t guarantee a perfect life, but it does require an integrated life. People with integrity have a moral center that integrates their behavior. When they violate that moral center, they recognize that violation as sin … They confess it, seek forgiveness and reconfirm the standard … [David’s] prayers of repentance show leaders what to do when they violate their commitment to God’s standards and want to reestablish their integrity.

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