Wednesday, December 5, 2018


My mouth speaks what is true, for my lips detest wickedness.
Proverbs 8:7
Speaking the truth is of utmost importance in a parent-child relationship. A parent who lies to their child loses all credibility when asking for truthfulness in return. Notice that Proverbs 8:7 calls untruths wickedness. As parents, we are seeking to rid our homes of all wickedness. Truth is an important step in that process.
Take a simple test with your family. Put a jar on the kitchen counter and challenge every family member — including you — to put a nickel in the jar whenever they don’t tell the truth. Include little “white lies.” You will probably be surprised at how quickly the jar will fill up because, though we don’t intend to, we stretch the truth a lot. This little family experiment will be a great way to push the idea of telling the truth to the forefront of your family life.
As you do this, talk with each other about what you are learning and how telling the truth has helped Proverbs 8:7 come alive. 
The family that tells lies together dies as a family together.
• Why do you fudge on the truth?
• How does this harm your family?
• What would be the result if everyone in your family practised the principle in Proverbs 8:7?

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