Saturday, June 22, 2019

Light in the Darkness

Light in the Darkness
Everyone goes through night seasons of difficulty or times when things just seem dark. During these challenging times, know that you are not alone. God has a plan to drive out the darkness—He will flood you with His light! Notice that in today’s verse it doesn’t say, “The light will come trickling in.” No, it says that the light will come bursting in! It’s going to happen suddenly, unexpectedly; you won’t see it coming. You woke up, and it was still dark. Nothing had changed, but suddenly you get the break you need, your health turns around, you meet the right person. The light comes bursting in.
If you’ve been going through a night season, get ready for the goodness of God in a new way. Know that His light is about to come bursting in! Get ready for breakthroughs. Get ready for promotion. Get ready for restoration. You may have had that problem for a long, long time, but today could be the day that it turns around. Suddenly, things can change! God wants His glory to be seen on you. He wants you to stand out in the crowd. He wants you to be so blessed that everyone around you can see His goodness on you! So keep standing, keep believing, keep hoping and keep declaring His Word because His light is going to come bursting in!

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