Sunday, June 23, 2019

How to Start the Day

How to Start the Day
As you woke up this morning, what was the first thing that went through your mind? Did you wake up with a song of praise on your lips?
When we start the day in worship, we start the day connected to Almighty God. When we live a lifestyle of praise, it shows that our faith is constantly in Him. We make glorifying God a priority. It’s not secondary, “Oh, if I have time.” No, you’re always talking about God’s goodness. You’re constantly telling your friends how God has blessed you. In your car, you’re singing songs of praise. At the office, under your breath, you’re thanking God for His favour. You get up in the morning and say, “God, I love You today. I praise You today. Thank You for another beautiful day.” Then, when you go to bed at night, you bless Him for His faithfulness!
Friend, when you have the high praises of God coming out of your mouth, the Scripture says Almighty God will go to war against your enemies. 
Praise precedes the victory, so start the day right and live a lifestyle of praise!
Bryan Asuit

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