Saturday, June 1, 2019

He Brings Treasures to the Righteous

He Brings Treasures to the Righteous
Did you know there are resources and blessings laid up for the righteous? There are funds that will eventually be transferred over into the hands of the people who will use them for God’s purposes. In the Scripture, God is called "the Lord of the Sabbath." That means He is “the God who puts His armour on and goes to war against those who hold His treasure from His purposes.” Just imagine God getting His armour on and going into the forces of darkness and saying, “Okay, I’ll take those funds. I need them for My children. I’ll take these businesses, these ideas, these contracts. They have My children’s names on them.” Friends, God is fighting your battles for you. He has immeasurable favour that He is going to transfer into the hands of the righteous. The key is to make sure you’re in the righteous group. Make sure you are honouring God with your life and keeping your heart pure. Let go of any weights or any sins that are holding you back. As long as you stay in faith and live righteously before Him, God has promised abundance.

"Father God, thank You for fighting my battles. Help me to keep my heart pure so that I honour you with my life in Jesus’ name. Amen!"

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