Wednesday, May 22, 2019

The word that leads to victory

The Word That Leads To Victory
When trials and tribulations come, as children of the Most High God, we can take courage. We have a promise that we can overcome anything that tries to come against us in this life through our faith in God. When the enemy tries to come against you with sickness, despair or lack, you can stand secure and know that God promises healing, hope and provision. God promises you victory in every area of life! God created us to be the victor, not the victim! There are resources in the BIBLE that can help you obtain victory in your daily life—at work, at home and in relationships. Don't let your world overcome you; overcome your world by believing and confessing God's Word today!

"God, I sometimes feel overwhelmed by the problems and pressures of this world. Help me to instead focus on You and the plan You have for me. I pray that You help me stand secure in my faith and proclaim myself to be a conqueror-victorious in every area of life! In Jesus' name - Amen."

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