Tuesday, May 7, 2019

God's Deep Secrets

God's Deep Secrets
Who do you share your deepest secrets with? Most people only share their inner thoughts with those who are closest to them. People they trust. People they’ve gone through experiences with. Do you know who God shares His secrets with? This Scripture says "to us." As believers, God’s Spirit lives inside of us, revealing to us the heart and thoughts of God Himself. God wants you to know what He thinks about you. He wants you to know about the plans He has for you. He wants to show you things you’ve never seen, heard about or even imagined. You are His child, and you are also His friend. He wants to walk with you, talk with you, and share with you. What a wonderful, amazing thought—we can know God’s thoughts because we are one with Him. Open your heart and allow Him to share His deep secrets with you today.

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