Saturday, May 25, 2019

somebody's Rooting for You

Somebody's Rooting For You
I grew up playing sports, and I’ve experienced the difference it makes to have somebody in the stands cheering for you. When you know they’re watching you, you hear them calling your name, you see their hands up in the air, it does something on the inside. It causes you to jump a little higher and run a little faster. You’ve got a greater determination because you know somebody is rooting for you.
Today, you have a great multitude in heaven cheering you on! They’re saying, “You can do it! You’re a winner! You are well able, strong and equipped. No weapon formed against you will prosper!”
No matter what difficulty you may be facing, you always have the home-field advantage. You are always surrounded by the voice of victory. Let that sink down deep into your heart today. Let it build confidence in you and give you the strength you need to keep moving forward into the abundant, victorious life He has prepared for you!

"Heavenly Father, today I am releasing every negative thing that has happened to me. I’m forgiving every person who has hurt me. I’m forgiving myself for mistakes I’ve made and releasing every disappointment so that I can live in Your peace and victory. In Jesus’ Name. Amen."

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