Wednesday, May 29, 2019


The Way To Get Ahead
It’s amazing how taking a few minutes at the start of each day to plan and set your thoughts in the right direction can help you get ahead and empower you to accomplish so much more. But too often, people get so caught up in the activity of life that they tend to just “go with the flow” instead. I’m not saying we shouldn’t be flexible, but when it comes to your life, you should be the one setting the flow. Of course, unexpected things happen. Our days won’t always go according to plan, but if you’ll take time each day to set your heart and mind in the right direction, you’ll be equipped for whatever comes your way!
Today I encourage you to make plans to start your day right and set your thoughts in the right direction. Say something such as "This is going to be a great day. God is guiding and directing my steps. His favour is surrounding me." Put God first place. Let Him guide you and order your steps. Even if it’s just five minutes a day, make spending time with Him a habit. Plan your day with Him because careful planning is the way to get ahead.


I will not leave you


Monday, May 27, 2019


Sowing Honour
All throughout Scripture, we see that God blesses an attitude of honour. In Exodus, it says that when we honour our parents, we are promised long life. In Proverbs, when we pursue righteousness, we will find life, prosperity and honour. To show honour simply means that you give respect and recognition. There are many ways to show honour to others with your attitude, actions and words. I believe that as we humble ourselves and give honour, we will reap a harvest of honour in our lives in return.


the promise of the father

Saint Germanus of Paris

Priest, ordained by Saint Agrippinus of Autun. Abbot. Bishop of Paris, France in 555. Taught and ordained Saint Bertrand of Le Mans. Spiritual teacher of Saint Droctoveus. Cured King Childebert I from an unnamed illness, and converted him from a misspent life. The king then built him the abbey of Saint Vincent, now known as Saint-Germain-des-Pres. 

Sunday, May 26, 2019

Saint Augustine of Canterbury

Monk and abbot of Saint Andrew’s abbey in Rome, Italy. Sent by Pope Saint Gregory the Great with 40 brother monks, including Saint Lawrence of Canterbury to evangelize the British Isles in 597. Before he reached the islands, terrifying tales of the Celts sent him back to Rome in fear, but Gregory told him he had no choice, and so he went. He established and spread the faith throughout England; one of his earliest converts was King AEthelberht who brought 10,000 of his people into the Church. Ordained as a bishop in Gaul (modern France) by the archbishop of Arles. First Archbishop of Canterbury, England. Helped re-establish contact between the Celtic and Latin churches, though he could not establish his desired uniformity of liturgy and practices between them. Worked with Saint Justus of Canterbury. Anglican Archbishops of Canterbury are still referred to as occupying the Chair of Augustine


Plan for a comeback

Plan for a Comeback
God promises to always lead us into victory! That means no matter what you are facing, no matter what’s going on in the world around you, no matter what anybody says, you should always be planning for a comeback! In the middle of that adversity or tough time, start making your list of who you’re going to invite to your victory celebration. You don’t have to wait for everything to be perfect before you decide to celebrate what God is going to do in your life. Put some action behind your faith. That means if you’re in the hospital, start planning what you’re going to do when you get out. If you lost some money when the stock market went down, start planning your coming-out-of-debt party. When things don’t look good in the natural, remember, we serve a supernatural God. With God leading you into victory, you can always plan for increase. You can plan for restoration. You can plan for a comeback that will make you stronger and better than you ever were before!
A Prayer for Today
"Heavenly Father, I give You thanks and praise today for the promise of victory. Give me Your vision for the future so that I can move confidently into the abundant life You have for me. In Jesus’ Name. Amen."

the Spirit of trust


Saturday, May 25, 2019



Give Generously
Did you know that when you give to others in need, the Bible says it’s like giving directly to God Himself? When you step out and bless other people, you are honouring and blessing the Lord. The Scripture tells us to give our best, to give generously. In other words, stretch yourself. Go out of your way. It may be uncomfortable to walk over and pay for someone’s gas, but that’s being generous.
I encourage you today, look for ways to give generously and meet the needs of others. You can’t help everyone, but you can help someone. You can be the answer to someone’s prayers. Remember, people have many different types of needs. There may be someone who needs some encouragement. Give generously when you give that encouragement. There may be someone in your life that just needs a friend; they need some quality time. Give generously of your time and pour into that person. As you give generously to others, God will multiply those seeds in your own life in return!

Saint Philip Neri

Though he was related to Italian nobility, Philip came from a poor family. His father, Francisco Neri, worked as a notary. Philip’s brother died in childhood, but his two sisters, Caterina and Elisabetta survived. Known as a pius youth, Philip was taught humanities by the Dominicans.
The family moved to San Germano in 1533 to help some relatives with their business, and while there Philip would escape to a local Dominican chapel in the mountains. Having received a vision that he had an apostolate in Rome, Philip cut himself off from his family, and went there.
He was befriended by Galeotto Caccia who took Philip in and paid him to tutor his two sons. Wrote poetry in Latin and Italian. He studied philosophy and theology, and when he tired of learning, he sold all his books and gave the money to the poor.
Philip began to visit and care for the sick, and impoverished pilgrims, and founded a society of like-minded folk to do the same. He became a friend of Saint Ignatius of Loyola. A layman, he lived in the city as a hermit. During Easter season of 1544, while praying in the catacomb of San Sebastiano, he received a vision of a globe of fire that entered his chest, and he experienced an ecstasy that physically enlarged his heart.
With Persiano Rose, he founded the Confraternity of the Most Holy Trinity. He began to preach, with many converts. In 1550 he considered retiring to the life of a solitary hermit, but received further visions that told him his mission was in Rome. Later he considered missionary work in India, but further visions convinced him to stay in Rome.
He entered the priesthood in 1551. Father Philip heard confessions by the hour, could tell penitents their sins before they confessed, and had the gift of conferring visions. He began working with youth, finding safe places for them to play, becoming involved in their lives.
Pope Gregory XIV tried to make him a cardinal, but Philip declined. His popularity was such that he was accused of forming his own sect, but was cleared of this baseless charge. In 1575 he founded the Congregation of the Oratory (Oratorians, a group of priests dedicated to preaching and teaching, but which suffered from accusations of heresy because of the involvement of laymen as preachers. In later years he was beset by several illnesses, each of which was in turn cured through prayer.
Cheerfulness strengthens the heart and makes us persevere in a good life. Therefore the servant of God ought always to be in good spirits. Saint Philip Neri

somebody's Rooting for You

Somebody's Rooting For You
I grew up playing sports, and I’ve experienced the difference it makes to have somebody in the stands cheering for you. When you know they’re watching you, you hear them calling your name, you see their hands up in the air, it does something on the inside. It causes you to jump a little higher and run a little faster. You’ve got a greater determination because you know somebody is rooting for you.
Today, you have a great multitude in heaven cheering you on! They’re saying, “You can do it! You’re a winner! You are well able, strong and equipped. No weapon formed against you will prosper!”
No matter what difficulty you may be facing, you always have the home-field advantage. You are always surrounded by the voice of victory. Let that sink down deep into your heart today. Let it build confidence in you and give you the strength you need to keep moving forward into the abundant, victorious life He has prepared for you!

"Heavenly Father, today I am releasing every negative thing that has happened to me. I’m forgiving every person who has hurt me. I’m forgiving myself for mistakes I’ve made and releasing every disappointment so that I can live in Your peace and victory. In Jesus’ Name. Amen."

Friday, May 24, 2019



Pope saint Gregory VII

Educated in Rome, Italy. Benedictine monk. Chaplain to Pope Gregory VI. In charge of the Patrimony of Saint Peter. Reformer and excellent administrator. Chosen the 152nd pope, but he declined the crown. Chief counselor to Pope Victor II, Pope Stephen IX, Pope Benedict X, and Pope Nicholas II. 157th pope.
At the time of his ascension, simony and a corrupt clergy threatened to destroy faith in the Church. Gregory took the throne as a reformer, and Emperor Henry IV promised to support him. Gregory suspended all clerics who had purchased their position, and ordered the return of all purchased church property. The corrupt clergy rebelled; Henry IV broke his promise, and promoted the rebels. Gregory responded by excommunicating anyone involved in lay investiture. He summoned Henry to Rome, but the emperor’s supporters drove Gregory into exile. Henry installed the anti-pope Guibert of Ravenna, who was driven from Rome by Normans who supported Gregory; the Normans were, themselves, so out of control that the people of Rome drove out them and Gegory. The Pope then retreated to Salerno, Italy where he spent the remainder of his papacy


Wednesday, May 22, 2019



Embrace your season

Embrace Your Season
God has ordained seasons and cycles in our lives. Sometimes, when our dreams aren’t coming to pass on our timetable, we can be tempted to get frustrated. But we have to be careful not to allow our attitude to keep us from moving forward. Understand that in God’s kingdom, every season is not harvest. Every season is not springtime, with beautiful flowers, gorgeous sunshine and cool breezes. There are ploughing seasons, planting seasons and watering seasons. Sure, we would love for every season to be a time of increase, but without the other seasons, we wouldn’t be prepared for promotion. You have to choose to rejoice today. God has given you not only the grace to endure this season but to enjoy the season. When you’re content, you see each day as a gift, appreciate the people in your lives, and are grateful for what God has given you. That is not only developing your character, but you’re passing the test. You will come out of winter and into your springtime. Now is the time for you to do exploit therefore ARISE AND SHINE for your LIGHT has COME.

"Father in heaven, thank You for Your faithfulness in all seasons of my life. I trust that my time is coming, and I choose to remain faithful. I submit my ways to You today and trust that You have the best plan for my life. I love You and praise Your Name today. In Jesus’ Name. Amen."

Saint Giovanni Battista Rossi

One of four children born to Charles de Rossi and Frances Anfossi. Taken by a wealthy noble couple to Genoa, Italy for schooling. There he met some Capuchin friars who thought well of him, and helped him continue his education in Rome, Italy. Studied under the Jesuits at the Roman College at age 13. Member of the Sodality of the Blessed Virgin and the Ristretto of the Twelve Apostles. Epileptic. His self-imposed acts of austerity nearly broke his health, and he never completely regained his strength. Studied philosophy and theology under the Dominicans. Ordained on 3 March 1721, assigned to Rome.
Helped start a hospice for homeless women near Saint Galla’s hospice in Rome. Canon of Santa Maria, Cosmedin in 1737; he used his compensation from the position to purchase an organ for the church. Missioner and catechist to the teamsters, farmers, herdsmen, homeless, sick, beggars, prostitutes, and prisoners of the Campagna region. For many years, John was avoided hearing confessions for fear he would have a seizure in the confessional, but the bishop of Civitá Castellana convinced him it was part of his vocation. John relented, and soon became a sought after confessor in Rome; he once said that the shortest road to heaven was to guide others there by the confessional. Sought after preacher. Assigned as catechist to many government and prison officials, including the public hangman. Miracle worker. Always had a special devotion to Saint Aloysius Gonzaga


The word that leads to victory

The Word That Leads To Victory
When trials and tribulations come, as children of the Most High God, we can take courage. We have a promise that we can overcome anything that tries to come against us in this life through our faith in God. When the enemy tries to come against you with sickness, despair or lack, you can stand secure and know that God promises healing, hope and provision. God promises you victory in every area of life! God created us to be the victor, not the victim! There are resources in the BIBLE that can help you obtain victory in your daily life—at work, at home and in relationships. Don't let your world overcome you; overcome your world by believing and confessing God's Word today!

"God, I sometimes feel overwhelmed by the problems and pressures of this world. Help me to instead focus on You and the plan You have for me. I pray that You help me stand secure in my faith and proclaim myself to be a conqueror-victorious in every area of life! In Jesus' name - Amen."

The Vine


saint Rita

Daughter of Antonio and Amata Lotti, a couple known as the Peacemakers of Jesus; they had Rita late in life. From her early youth, Rita visited the Augustinian nuns at Cascia, Italy, and showed interest in a religious life. However, when she was twelve, her parents betrothed her to Paolo Mancini, an ill-tempered, abusive individual who worked as town watchman, and who was dragged into the political disputes of the Guelphs and Ghibellines. Disappointed but obedient, Rita married him when she was 18, and was the mother of twin sons. She put up with Paolo’s abuses for eighteen years before he was ambushed and stabbed to death. Her sons swore vengeance on the killers of their father, but through the prayers and interventions of Rita, they forgave the offenders.
Upon the deaths of her sons, Rita again felt the call to religious life. However, some of the sisters at the Augustinian monastery were relatives of her husband’s murderers, and she was denied entry for fear of causing dissension. Asking for the intervention of Saint John the Baptist, Saint Augustine of Hippo, and Saint Nicholas of Tolentino, she managed to bring the warring factions together, not completely, but sufficiently that there was peace, and she was admitted to the monastery of Saint Mary Magdalen at age 36.
Rita lived 40 years in the convent, spending her time in prayer and charity, and working for peace in the region. She was devoted to the Passion, and in response to a prayer to suffer as Christ, she received a chronic head wound that appeared to have been caused by a crown of thorns, and which bled for 15 years.
Confined to her bed the last four years of her life, eating little more than the Eucharist, teaching and directing the younger sisters. Near the end she had a visitor from her home town who asked if she’d like anything; Rita’s only request was a rose from her family’s estate. The visitor went to the home, but it being January, knew there was no hope of finding a flower; there, sprouted on an otherwise bare bush, was a single rose blossom.
Among the other areas, Rita is well-known as a patron of desperate, seemingly impossible causes and situations. This is because she has been involved in so many stages of life – wife, mother, widow, and nun, she buried her family, helped bring peace to her city, saw her dreams denied and fulfilled – and never lost her faith in God, or her desire to be with Him. 

Friday, May 17, 2019

Handfuls on Purpose

Handfuls On Purpose
Our God is a rewarder of those who seek Him! When you keep God first place and do your best to honour Him, the Scripture says, “His blessings will chase you down and overtake you.” That means you will come into increase, promotion and good breaks that you didn’t necessarily deserve. That’s God rewarding you for walking in His ways. We see this principle in the Old Testament with Ruth. She was out in the fields following behind the workers and gathering up the leftover wheat that they missed. She was trying to take care of her mother-in-law, Naomi, but they were barely surviving. One day, the owner of the fields, Boaz, told the workers to leave handfuls of wheat on purpose for Ruth. Ruth came into blessings that were simply dropped at her feet. Every one of us can look back and see times where God has left us handfuls on purpose—something that we didn’t deserve or even ask for. We were just provided for unexpectedly. That’s a “handful on purpose.” I encourage you to always keep your expectancy up. Keep trusting God and obeying His voice because He is ready to bless you in unexpected ways today! 

"Father in heaven, thank You for Your goodness and faithfulness in my life. I trust You as my Provider; You are the One who cares for me. I acknowledge You with my love and thank You for leaving me “handfuls on purpose” today! In Jesus’ Name. Amen."


