Thursday, February 7, 2019


Yesterday we talked about the emotional need for love. Another of our deepest emotional needs is the need for freedom. In a marriage, we want to be free to express our feelings, thoughts, and desires. We want the freedom to make choices. We often do things for each other, but we don’t want to be manipulated or forced into it. If we feel like we are being controlled, we get defensive and angry.
Freedom is never to be absolute. Freedom without boundaries is not a life of love. In Galatians 5, the apostle Paul underscored that believers are free in Christ. Free from the law, free from sin, free to be the people God created us to be. Yet he encourages us to use that freedom to serve each other in love. We don’t do it out of guilt or manipulation but by choice. Love chooses to look out for the beloved’s best interests.
When we realize that everyone has this need for freedom, we will allow our spouse freedom to make choices. We will make requests but not demands. We will express our opinions, but also extend the freedom to disagree. Love and freedom are two key elements in a healthy marriage.

Lord, thank you for setting us free! Help me to use my freedom in a loving way. Guard me also from limiting my spouse’s freedom. Help us to love and serve each other without reservation.

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