Thursday, June 14, 2018

Biography of Saint Germaine Cousin

Saint Germaine Cousin

Also known as

• Germaine of Pibrac
• Germana...


Daughter of Laurent Cousin, a farm worker, and Marie Laroche. Her mother died while Germaine was an infant. A sickly child, Germaine suffered from scrofula, and her right hand was deformed. Ignored by her father and abused by her step-family, she was often forced to sleep in the stable or in a cupboard under the stairs, was fed on scraps, beaten or scalded with hot water for misdeeds, real or imagined.

At age nine Germaine was put to work as a shepherdess, where she spent much time praying, sometimes using a rosary she made from a knotted string. She refused to miss Mass, and if she heard the bell announcing services, she set her crook and her distaff in the ground, declared her flock to be under the care of her guardian angel, and went to church; her sheep were unharmed during her absences. It is reported that once she crossed the raging Courbet River by walking over the waters so she could get to church.

Germaine was so poor it is hard to imagine she would be able to help others, but she was always ready to try, especially children whom she gathered in the fields to teach a simple catechism and share the little food she had. The locals laughed at her religious devotion, and called her 'the little bigot'.

Once in winter, her stepmother, Hortense, accused her of stealing bread by hiding it in her apron and threatened to beat her with a stick. Germaine opened her apron, and summer flowers tumbled out. Her parents and neighbours were awed by the obvious miracle and began to treat her as a holy person. Her parents invited her to rejoin the household, but Germaine chose to live as she had.

In 1601 she was found dead on her straw pallet under the stairs, and she was buried in the Church of Pibrac opposite the pulpit. When accidentally exhumed in 1644 during a renovation, her body was found incorrupt. In 1793 the casket was desecrated by an anti-Catholic tinsmith named Toulza, who with three accomplices took out the remains and buried them in the sacristy, throwing quick-lime and water on them. After the French Revolution, her body was found to be still intact save where the quick-lime had done its work.

Documents attest to more than 400 miracles or extraordinary graces received through the intervention of Saint Germain. They include cures of every kind (of blindness, both congenital and resulting from disease, of hip and of spinal disease), and the multiplication of food for the distressed community of the Good Shepherd at Bourges, France in 1845.


1579 at Pibrac, France


• 1601 in her parents' home in Pibrac, France, apparently of natural causes
• relics interred in the church at Pibrac


29 June 1867 by Pope Blessed Pius IX


• abandoned or neglected people
• abuse victims, child abuse victims
• against bodily ills, illness, sickness; sick people
• against impoverishment, poverty; poor people
• disabled, handicapped or physically challenged people
• girls from rural areas; peasant girls; country girls
• against the loss of parents
• shepherdesses
• unattractive people


• girl with a distaff (it's used in spinning thread)
• girl with a sheep
• girl with a shepherd's crook
• girl with a watchdog
• girl with flowers in her apron
• peasant girl dying alone in poverty
• peasant girl tending sheep
• peasant girl with flowers falling around her in winter


• books, medals, pendants, rosary
• medals and pendants


Dear God, please don't let me be too hungry or too thirsty. Help me to please my mother. And help me to please you. - prayer of Saint Germaine

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