Monday, June 18, 2018

Biography of Blessed Osanna Andreasi

Blessed Osanna Andreasi

Also known as

• Hosanna Andreasi
• Hosanna Andreassi
• Hosanna of Mantua
• Osanna Andreassi
• Osanna of Mantua


Daughter of Italian nobles Nicolaus and Agnes. Reported to have had a vision of angels, paradise, and the Trinity at age five. Feeling called to religious life, she rejected a marriage arranged by her father, and became a Dominican tertiary at 17; she waited 37 years to complete her vows so she could care for her brothers and sisters after the death of her parents. Mystic who would fall into ecstasies whenever she spoke of God. Visionary who saw images of Christ bearing his cross. Had the pain of the stigmata along with red marks, but no bleeding. Helped the poor and sick, served as spiritual director for many, spent much of her family's considerable fortune to help the unfortunate. Spoke out against decadence, and criticized the aristocracy for a lack of morality. Friend of Blessed Columba of Rieti. A record of her spiritual conversations with Girolamo de Monte Oliveto has survived.


17 January 1449 at Mantua, Italy


1505 of natural causes


24 November 1694 by Pope Leo X and Pope Innocent XII (cultus confirmed)


school girls


O God, giver of all good things, you led Blessed Osanna to prefer the unsearchable riches of Christ above all else and to so teach others. By following her example and teaching may we grow in knowledge of you and faithfully live according to the light of the gospel. We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever. - General Calendar of the Order of Preachers


• Dominican tertiary wearing a crown of thorns and surrounded by rays of light
• Dominican with the devil under her feet
• a broken heart with a crucifix springing from it
• a lily
• two angels, one with a lily, one with a cross

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