Sunday, August 5, 2018

Aaron;s Blessing

“May the LORD smile on you and be gracious to you.” 
Aaron’s Blessing Num 6:22-27
A recent study concluded there are fifteen health benefits from smiling. Research shows that smiling calms the heart and reduces stress. In fact, a genuine smile encourages those around you. Without saying a word, it relays to others you are pleased with them. A smile can reassure and cheer; it communicates love and friendship. We might not always feel like smiling. Yet, even when we are in pain, in a wheelchair, or visiting yet another doctor, we can inspire others with a heartfelt smile.
In Aaron’s blessing, we find that God smiles: “May the LORD bless you and protect you. May the LORDsmile on you and be gracious to you. May the LORD show you his favour and give you his peace” (6:24-26). In the Hebrew, the blessing was more than a prayer or a “hope-so” wish. The blessing was an “oracle”—a divine, authoritative revelation. Most likely this blessing was proclaimed every time there was a gathering of God’s people with a priest present, especially if it was a worship gathering. It is a binding blessing that cannot be revoked or prevented by evil.
God loves his people. He blesses and protects us by exercising great care and attention, guarding us as only he can. His oracle covers our every circumstance. His ear listens to our every prayer. God extends his grace to us even when we don’t deserve it. The Hebrew reads that God “lifts up his face” to give his people peace, prosperity, completeness, health, safety, and general well-being (all interpretations of the Hebrew word shalom).
When facing affliction and pain, our smile can be a message of cheer for a hurting friend. Complaining and grumbling about our circumstances, like the people in the wilderness (14:22), does not honour the Lord. But accepting the blessing and seeing God’s face smiling upon us gives us the opportunity of mirroring every part of the divine blessing of Aaron to a troubled world.

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